
Auditor Common Of Pakistan

In most navies, flag officers are the equal of basic officers, and the naval rank of admiral is equal to the specific military rank of general. A noteworthy historic exception was the Cromwellian naval rank "general at sea". In latest years in the American service there is a tendency to use flag officer and flag rank to refer to generals and admirals of the companies collectively. In some armies, nonetheless, the rank of captain general, basic of the military, military common or colonel general occupied or occupies this position. While every effort has been made to follow citation style guidelines, there may be some discrepancies. Please discuss with the appropriate style manual or different sources in case you have any questions. We’ve created a model new place the place questions are on the heart of learning. Britannica Explains In these movies, Britannica explains a wide selection of matters and solutions frequently asked questions. More examples The revolt in the nort